sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

de pe: http://florinmacau.ro/2010/02/leapsa/

1. Când ai simţit că părinţii tăi au fost cu adevărat mândri de tine ?
Cand am luat locu' I pe municipiu la olimpiada de romana intr'a IVa :))

2. Pe cine ai dezamăgit cel mai tare?
Pe mine insami.

3. La ce eşti cel/cea mai bun/ă, ce ştii să faci mai bine decât toţi oamenii pe care-i cunoşti personal?
Sa rad la inmormantari! Asta e sigur!

4. Ce crezi că e cel mai enervant la tine, în ochii celor dragi ?
Rasul :))

5. Care e lucrul cel mai groaznic pe care l-ai face pentru bani?
Sa port un costum de fruct si sa le explic copiilor de ce trebuie sa mancam fructe.

6. Care crezi că e cea mai importantă calitate pe care ai moştenit-o de la părinţii tai?
Sa tac numai atunci cand dorm :))

7. Când ai simţit că ai arătat cel mai bine din toată viaţa ta ?
Acum [clasa aVIIa; zau ca nu stiu de ce]

8. Care e cel mai prost om pe care-l cunoşti?

Tipu' cu "dati'mi si mie o paine sau macar un graham" [indirect zis "il cunosc" :))]

9. Care e sunetul care te enervează cel mai tare?
Profa de tehno cand zice "Ssssssst!". Cand a facut asa timp de 5 minute m'am zgariat pe maini pana mi'a dat sangele => e un zgomot cu adevarat enervant.

10. La ce eveniment din viaţa ta ai fost cel mai emoţionat/a?
Prima ora de chimie.

11. Care ar fi singurul lucru pe care ţi-ar plăcea să-l furi (fiind singura şansă de a-l avea…)?
Dragostea lui :">

12. Care a fost cel mai stânjenitor moment din viaţa ta?
Au fost prea multe ca sa il pot declara pe unu din ele "cel mai cel" :))

13. În faţa cui te simţi cel mai pierdut, emoţionat, blocat ?
Zau ca n'am idee.

14. Când ţi-a fost cel mai greu să spui adevărul?
Cand am zis prima oara "te iubesc" unui tip.

15. Ce-ai vrea să schimbi cel mai tare în viaţa ta ?
Nimic. Vreau sa fie totul asa cum e acum: perfect.

16. Cu cine vorbeşti cel mai des despre sex ?
=)) sincer? cu Moni =))

17. Care e cea mai proastă scuză pe care ai folosit-o vreodată?

18. Ce nu i-ai putea ierta niciodată omului pe care-l iubeşti ?
Infidelitatea, normal.

19. Ce calitate a jumătăţii tale de viata iţi este cea mai dragă?

20. Care a fost jucăria ta preferată in copilărie ?
Papusile :">

21. Pe cine te bazezi dacă ţi se întâmplă o nenorocire?
Pe familie.

22. Pe cine simţi cel mai tare nevoia să protejezi ?
Pe Moni.

23. Care e domeniul despre care ai vrea să ştii cel mai mult ?
Dragoste [daca se poate numi "domeniu"]

24. Cine-ţi lipseşte cel mai tare în acest moment?
Nimic :-?? poate doar niste Martini :))

25. În ce privinţă crezi că eşti cel mai puţin înţeles ?
Cand vorbesc despre chestii aiurea.

26. Care e cel mai frumos cuvânt din limba ta?

27. Unde te simţi cel mai în siguranţă?
In bratele lui :)

28. Care a fost cel mai frumos compliment ce ţi s-a făcut vreodată?
„Ai un cur adorabil" =))

29. Care e persoana care te face să râzi, să te simţi relaxat ?

30. Pentru ce te rogi cel mai des ?
Nustiu :-?

31. Cine te-a influenţat cel mai mult până acum?
Again, Moni.

32. Care a fost primul tău vis împlinit?

33. În ce an al vieţii tale ai simţit ca te-ai schimbat cel mai mult?
La 11 ani. Ciudiii :))

34. Ce invenţie din acest secol crezi că are cel mai mare impact în viaţa ta?
Laptopul :)

35. Care a fost cel mai îndrăzneţ lucru pe care l-ai făcut (sau l-ai face) cu o persoană de acelaşi sex cu tine?
Trasu de tate =))

Da, dragilor sunt inca vie. Nu ca v'ar interesa.
Inca traiesc, si, culmea, devine suportabil.

joi, 24 martie 2011

Daca toata lumea a sris postare la stilu' de transmitem in direct din laboratorul de informatica, hai ca scriu si eu.
Da... Nici n'am ce zice. Sunt aici, la scoala, stau pe scaunul scolii, scriu la tastatura scolii, dau click cu mouse-ul scolii... toate astea pe calculatorul scolii :)). Profu' de mate a devenit (brusc) foarte tare :)) (i wonder why? :))).


luni, 21 martie 2011

Alta leapsa. Devine amuzant :))

de pe www.blog.deliceu.ro

1. Ce carte nu ai imprumuta şi de ce?

N-am obsesii d-astea. Parcă nu s-ar mai găsi cărţi dacă se întâmplă ceva cu una :)).

2. Ce carte nu ai recomanda si de ce?

Pănza de păianjen de Cella Serghi. Eu cel puţin n-am înţeles nimic din ea.

3. Ce carte nu ai cumpara si de ce?

Alea scrise de autori contemporani. Sunt prea gay cărţile alea, pe bune acuma.

4. Ce carti nu ai citi niciodata si de ce?

Vezi 3.

5. Ce carte nu ai scrie niciodata si de ce?

O carte care nu le-ar plăcea lu' Moni, Alexa şi Ana. Serioos :))

6. Care-ar fi prima carte pe care ai da-o, intru citire, copiilor tăi?

De basme, logic. Dălea cu poze :)). Da dupaia, ar merge "Cireşarii", "La Medeleni", cărţile lui Mircea Sântimbreanu.

7. Care a fost cartea copilariei tale?

"La Medeleni". Dupaia, când am mai crescut, "Elevul Dima dintr-a şaptea".

8. Cartea pe care ai făcut-o cadou ultima dată, ai citit-o?

Nu :D

9. Ce carte ti-a marcat felul de a fi?

Cărţile lui Drumeş.

10. Ce carte pe care ai citit-o ai lua-o cu tine pe o insulă pustie?


11. Ce carte pe care n-ai citit-o, ai risca să o iei cu tine pe o insulă pustie?

"Nuntă în cer"

12. Cum se numeste cartea pe care ai citit-o de cele mai multe ori?

"Dama cu camelii", de 7 ori până acum :)

13. Numeste o carte plictisitoare.

"Infernul" lui Dante.

14. Numeşte-ne o carte pe care ai început-o, dar nu ai terminat-o.

"Gone with the wind"

15. Povesteşte-ne cum cumperi o carte.

Ma uit când a trăit scriitorul (preferabil în perioada interbelică), citesc rezumatul cărţii, mai cer o părere şi apoi o cumpăr :)

16. La ce renunţi ca să cumperi o carte?

Mâncare :))

17. La ce nu renunţi ca să cumperi o carte?

Haine cu adevărat frumoase.

18. Cărţile cărei edituri îţi plac cel mai mult?

BPT, Humanitas

19. Cât timp a trecut de cand nu ţi-ai mai cumpărat o carte? Cum se numeşte acea ultimă carte cumpărată?

O săptămână; Mircea Cărtărescu-"Frumoasele străine" (am o slăbiciune pentru Cărtărescu)

20. Ce carte/cărţi ai împrumutat ultima dată?

N-am mai împrumutat o care de un car de ani :))

21. Care este scriitorul român preferat?

Drumeş. E incontestabil.

22.Care este scriitorul străin preferat?

Nu prea îmi plac ăia străini... poate doar Al. Dumas fiul.

23. Ecranizarea cărei cărţi ai dori să o vezi?

"Invitaţia la vals", dar dacp nu e cu adevărat bună, mai bine nu x_x

24. Numeşte o carte a cărei ecranizare ţi-a plăcut mai mult decât romanul în sine.


25. Numeşte o carte bună cu o ecranizare proastă.

"Fiul risipitor" şi "Domnişoara Christina"

de pe www.dreamer0507.wordpress.com/ :)

My ABC’s…

- Available: Maybe.

- Age: 13

- Annoyance: boring people

- Allergic: cats and flowers :)

- Animal: smth without hair

- Actor: :-??

- Beer: Redd's

- Birthday/Birthplace: 26th January, 1998/Bucharest

- Best Friends: Alexa & Moni

- Body Part on opposite sex: hair, eyes, smile, height :))

- Best feeling in the world: love, of course.

- Blind or Deaf: deaf.

- Best weather: summer :>

- Been in Love: a million times, same person

- Been bitched out?: nope

- Been on stage?: yes and i fucking FAILED

- Believe in yourself?: kind of

- Believe in life on other planets: maybe ^.^

- Believe in miracles: only when they happen to me :)

- Believe in Magic: yep

- Believe in God: yep

- Believe in Satan: idk :-?

- Believe in Santa: oh yeah

- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yes :D

- Believe in Evolution: not in our country's...

- Car: i have to admit it... Lexus!

- Candy: :>

- Color: purple

- Cried in school: yeaah...

- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate!

- Chinese/Mexican: mexican

- Cake or pie: Cake

- Countries to visit: London, New York, France

- Day or Night: night

- Dream vehicle: idk

- Danced: free dance :)

- Dance in the rain?: yess! and i'll do that again!

- Dance in the middle of the street?: yeah :)) people stared a lot...

- Do the splits?: nope

- Eggs: NO. eggs are evil!

- Eyes: brown

- Everyone has: a mother :))

- Ever failed a class?: no

- First crush: 8-| as if everybody didn't know already

- Full name: Radu Ioana-Alexandra

- First thoughts waking up: is my mom gone? :))

- Food: human brains >:) jk. milk and cereals :))

- Greatest Fear: To be alone.

- Giver or taker: giver

- Goals: fall in love 102810347384 times in this life.

- Gum: all kinds

- Get along with your parents?: doesn't matter :">

- Good luck charms: necklaces. cute ones.

- Hair Colour: Brown.

- Height: 161 cm

- Happy: kind of

- Holidays: for Easter-going in a foreign country :)

- How do you want to die: with the one i love.

- Health freak?: neah

- Hate: loving smn who doesn't love you back

(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: brown/black

- Hair Color: brown/black

- Height: A LOT taller than me

- Clothing Style: :-??

- Characteristics: funny, pervert, cute

- Ice Cream: vanilla

- Instrument: guitar

- Jewelry: cute necklace

- Job: student

- Kids: i hate them with all my heart.

- Kickboxing or karate: karate

- Keep a journal?: yes. and a blog.

- Longest Car Ride: 27 hours :-ss

- Love: love

- Letter: O

- Laughed so hard you cried: soo many times

- Love at first sight: happened once.

- Milk flavour: chocolate :))

- Movie: Love and other drugs

- Marriage: i hope NOT.

- Motion sickness?: sometimes

- McD’s or BK: McD's

- Number of Siblings: 0

- Number of Piercings: 3

- Number: 3

- Overused Phrases: "drăguuuţ", "sexi", "te fut", "căcat", "ce gay".

- One wish: peace and love :-??

- One phobia: insects

- Place you’d like to live: Berlin

- Pepsi/Coke: both


- Questionnaires: yep

- Reason to cry: love

- Reality T.V.: just for fun

- Radio Station: Radio21, RadioZU

- Roll your tongue in a circle?: i'm the best :>

- Song: INXS-Beautiful Girl

- Shoe size: 38

- Sushi: no

- Skipped school: no

- Slept outside: yes. it was the best thing i've ever done [except that the mosquitos were annoying]

- Seen a dead body?: yeah...

- Smoked?: just to try it. but i didn't like it.

- Skinny dipped?: yeah :))

- Shower daily?: even twice a day!

- Sing well?: maybe...

- In the shower?: only when i'm home alone :))

- Swear?: oh yeah

- Stuffed Animals?: lots.

- Single/Group dates: both :)

- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries

- Scientists need to invent: eleporter, time machine

- Time for bed: depending on the amount of coke i drank :))

- Thunderstorms: annoying and a bit scarrying.

- Touch your tongue to your nose?: still trying to :D

- Unpredictable: most of the time

- Under the influence?: not right now

- Understanding?:yep >:D<.

- Vegetable you hate: all of them

- Vegetable you love: tomato

- Vacation spot: Berlin

- Weakness: haven't heard of those [-x

- When you grow up: have money

- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: :-??

- Who makes you laugh the most: Alexa >:D<

- Worst feeling: rejection

- Wanted to be a model?: still want to :D

- Where do we go when we die: cemetery :-??

- Worst weather: windy

- Walk with a book on your head?: oh yeah

- X-Rays: yep

-Year it is now: 2011

-Yellow: pee =))

- Zoo animal: llama

- Zodiac sign: Aquarius

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Monii
2. Last person to see you cry?: :-?? Monii [again] i think. and Alexa :)
3. Went to the movies with you?: [for the 122341 time] Moni, Alexa and Aida, Dana, Ana, Denii
4. You went to the mall with?: [guess who?] Moni :))
5. You went to dinner with?: Moni. for the 3124123 time
6. You talked to on the phone?: there were soo many ppl
7. Made you laugh?: Alexa and Moni

Mdeam. A venit primăvara. Asta e clar. Da la cum e afară, poate să şi plece, ma doare undeva.

Viaţa mea devine din ce în ce mai ciudi. Da măcar mai am viaţă :)). Ce am mai facut? Păăi...

-am fost (dinou) la chestia aia cu UE, dar de data asta am luat teancuri de pliante, mi-au dat balon şi nu am fost atentă la nimic din ce au zis ăia
-am pierdut un weekend din viaţa mea făcând o revistă care nu-i convine dirigii
-mi-au văzut ăştia cu păru fericit, zburdalnic si dreptondulat
-Monii şi-a găsit sufletu pereche :))
-încă îl vreau, încă îl iubesc, încă n-am aflat dacă mă vrea şi el :))
-test la română mâine, că nu l-am mai dat azi
-desen pentru Carrefour făcut în 3,5 secunde
-Coco iaar a purtat hanoracu piti :))
-vreeeaaau ... nuştiu.
-iar am băgat în mine la KFC, după ce în ultimele două zile am trăit pe bază de chipsuri, cafea, cola, gumă, ciocolată
-pierdutul timpului este cel mai plăcut mod de a-ţi pirde timpul! am zis!
It was 3 a.m. when you woke me up
Then we jumped in the car and drove as far as we could go
Just to get away
We talked about our lives until the sun came up
And now im thinking about how i wish i could go back
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime i see your face
Everytime you look my way
It's like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All i want is one more day
Its all i need one more day with you

When the car broke down
We just kept walking along
Til we hit this town
There was nothing there at all
But that was all ok

We spent all our money on stupid things
But if i look back now id probably give it all away,
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime i see your face
Everytime you look my way
Its like it all falls into place
Everything feels right

Ever since you walked away
You left my life in disarray
All i want is one more day
Its all i need
One more day with you

Now im sitting here
Like we used to do
I think about my life
And how there's nothin i won't do
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime i see your face
Everytime you look my way
Its like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Everytime i hear your name
Everytime i feel the same
Its like it all falls into place
Everything, everything feels right

You walked away just one more day
Its all i need one more day with you.

[Simple Plan - Everytime]

duminică, 20 martie 2011

1. You are female.
2. You are in high school.
3. You dropped out of high school.
4. You graduated within the last 5 years.
5. You live on your own.
6. You live within 20 minutes of your best friend.
7. You live within 20 minutes of the last person you kissed.
8. You live within 20 minutes of your ex.
9. You have hugged someone in the last 72 hours.
10. You have been to the movies within the last week.
11. You have had 3 or more boyfriends/girlfriends just this year.
12. You have been a designated driver.
13. You have broken merchandise and not paid for it.
14. You have played strip poker.
15. You are Catholic.
16. You are atheist
17. You recycle regularly.
18. You are a brunette.
19. You have dated a blonde.
20. You are friends with a redhead.
21. You are taller than your mom.
22. You have a checking account.
23. You’ve written a check for less than $5.
24. You have visited the Statue of Liberty.
25. You have visited the Eiffel Tower.
26. You have visited Big Ben.
27. You have visited the Colosseum.
28. You have visited The Great Wall of China.
29. You have never been out of the country.
30. You have been a waiter/waitress.
31. You own a Bible.
32. You own something with a Pentagram on it.

33. You have used a Ouija Board.
34. You have been a witch for Halloween.
35. You have been a zombie for Halloween.
36. You have been a Disney character for Halloween.

37. You don’t celebrate Halloween.
38. You have your belly button pierced.
39. You have your tongue pierced.
40. You have your eyebrow pierced.
41. You have a Monroe piercing.
42. You have your nose pierced.
43. You have an ankle tattoo.
44. You have a wrist tattoo.
45. You have a back tattoo.
46. You have no tattoos.
47. You have more than 5 tattoos.
48. You straighten your hair.

49. You have worn a dress in the last 3 days.

50. You live somewhere that gets snow.

51. You celebrate Hanukkah.
52. You were at your own house last New Year’s.
53. You were at a bar last New Year’s.
54. You slept through last New Year’s.
55. You have worked on Christmas Eve.
56. You have worked on Christmas.
57. You have been told “I love you” by someone today.
58. You were told by someone who’s not family.
59. You slept in your own bed last night.
60. You are dating the last person you kissed.
61. You enjoyed your last kiss.
62. You are wearing a necklace right now.
63. You are wearing something red.
64. You are wearing something blue.
65. You are wearing something purple.
66. Your phone is fully charged.
67. Your phone number ends with an even number.

68. You have kissed the last person you called/texted.
69. You last called/texted a boy.
70. You are currently listening to music.
71. You are waiting for something.
72. You don’t like seafood.

73. You have eaten deer sausage.
74. You have given a complete stranger your phone number.
75. You have been hit on at work.
76. You have been hit on by someone more than 20 years older than you.
77. You have been whistled at.
78. You were creeped out by it.
79. You are a good speller.
80. You are very punctual.
81. You were dating someone in December of 2008.
82. You are still dating that person.
83. You have cheated on someone.
84. You have been cheated on.
85. You have been on a cruise ship.
86. You have camped out in your own backyard.
87. You are wearing something that doesn’t belong to you.
88. You are a Pisces.
89. You are a Leo.
90. You are a Capricorn.
91. You have Irish heritage.
92. You have Polish heritage.
93. You have Japanese heritage.
94. You have Israeli heritage.
95. You have German heritage.
96. You have Portuguese heritage.
97. You have French heritage.
98. You have Italian heritage.
99. You have Korean heritage.
100. You were born in May.
101. You were born in June.
102. You were born in October.
103. You wonder what will happen when you die.
104. You are afraid of the dark.
105. You write in all capital letters.

106. You have been told you have nice handwriting.
107. You have had a song written for you.

108. You have had a picture drawn of you.
109. You have curly hair.
110. Your phone provider is Sprint.
111. Your phone provider is AT&T.
112. Your phone provider is Verizon.
113. You live within an hour of your birthplace.
114. You are wearing a watch.
115. You are wearing flip flops.
116. You wouldn’t date someone who smoked.
117. You know someone with the same birthday as you.
118. You are a morning person.
119. You are a night owl.
120. You slept in past 10am today.
121. You have big plans for next weekend.
122. You are thinking of someone right now.
123. Your job is stressing you out.
124. You don’t have a job.
125. You have never had a job.
126. You were fired from your last job.
127. You know sign language.
128. You made your bed today.
129. You will usually try something at least once.
130. You have been swimming in the last month.
131. You are pessimistic by nature.

132. You have taken a ballet class.
133. You have taken karate.
134. You have taken gymnastics.
135. You wish on shooting stars.
136. You wish at 11:11.

137. Your birthday has already come this year.
138. You have been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year.
139. You ended your last relationship.
140. Your ex ended your last relationship.
141. You are over your ex.
142. You have gone after someone you knew was bad for you.
143. You have let someone use you.
144. You have been in a physically abusive relationship.
145. You are engaged.
146. You are married.
147. You are divorced.
148. You have a child.
149. You were/are a teenage mom.
150. You were named after someone.
151. You like your name.
152. Your last drink was water.
153. You have visited somewhere said to be “haunted.”
154. You have skipped school just because you didn’t feel like going.
155. You have taken medicine when you “felt a headache coming on.”
156. You are self-conscious about your body.
157. You have a hangover.
158. You have had a Jehovah’s Witness show up at your house.
159. You have pet fish.
160. You live on a farm.
161. You live in a trailer.
162. You live in Montana.
163. You live in South Carolina.
164. You live in Illinois.
165. You live in Maryland.
166. You live in New Mexico.
167. You have godparents.
168. Your parents are still married.
169. You have step-siblings.
170. You are the oldest.
171. You are adopted.
172. You have a twin.
173. You don’t want kids.
174. You want more than 4 kids.
175. You have a bad temper.
176. You have made out with a complete stranger.
177. You usually make the first move in an intimate situation.
178. You regret losing your virginity.
179. You lost your virginity to someone the same age as you.
180. You lost your virginity to someone you were dating.
181. You lost your virginity before you were sixteen.
182. You have worked with a Kayla.
183. You have gone to the movies with a Jared.
184. You have hugged a Lexi.
185. You have held hands with a Marcus.
186. You have dated a Rachel.
187. You have kissed a David.
188. You have ridden in a car with a Nicole.
189. You have had class with a Patrick.
190. You have gone out to eat with a Chloe.
191. You know a Kyle in the military.
192. You are related to a Julie.
193. You have gotten drunk with a Brent.
194. You have broken your arm.
195. You have had to get stitches on your face.
196. You have had an MRI.
197. Your fingernails are painted.
198. Your fingernails are painted black.
199. You like to read.
200. You like to cook.
201. You like to draw.
202. You can play an instrument.
203. You keep a lot of secrets from people.
204. You don’t think people would accept you if they really got to know you.
205. You don’t trust people easily.
206. You borrowed something you really need to give back to someone.
207. You drive a car older than a 2002.
208. You have lost a friend you never thought you would.
209. You know a child who died of cancer.
210. You know a teenager who died in a car wreck.
211. You have done something illegal in the past 24 hours.
212. You have cut your hair in the last week.
213. You wear glasses.
214. You have been pulled over for speeding.
215. You love to drive with the windows down.
216. Your favorite season is Autumn.

217. Your favorite color is orange.
218. Your favorite animal is a dolphin.
219. You last rode in a car with a relative.
220. You last rode in a car with a girl.
221. You last rode in a car with the person you are dating.
222. You regularly watch soap operas.
223. You love Italian food.
224. You love Mexican food.
225. You love Chinese food.
226. You can see a box of tissues from where you are.
227. You can see your reflection in a mirror.
228. You can see what’s on TV from where you are.
229. Your best friend is older than you.
230. You have to go to school/work tomorrow.

231. You answered every question truthfully.

I am a boy.
I am a girl.
I am shorter than 5’4.
I think I’m ugly sometimes.
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have a tattoo.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/I’ve had braces.
I wear glasses.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
I have more than 2 piercings.
I have piercing in places besides my ears.
I have freckles.

I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve run away from home.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I have a sibling less than one year old.
I want to have kids someday.
I’ve lost a child.

I’m in school.
I have a job.
I’ve fallen asleep at work/school.
I almost always do/did my homework.
I’ve missed a week or more of school.
I’ve been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years.
I failed more than 1 class last year.
I’ve stolen something from my job.

I’ve slipped out an “lol” in a spoken conversation.
Disney movies still make me cry.
I’ve peed from laughing.
I’ve snorted while laughing.
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
I’ve glued my hand to something.
I’ve had my pants rip in public

I was born with a disease/impairment
I’ve gotten stitches/staples.
I’ve broken a bone.
I’ve had my tonsils removed.
I’ve sat in a doctor’s office/emergency room with a friend.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
I had a serious surgery.
I’ve had chicken pox.

I’ve had measles

I’ve driven over 200 miles in one day
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been to Canada.
I’ve been to Mexico
I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
I’ve been to Japan.
I’ve celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
I’ve been to Europe.
I’ve been to Africa.

I’ve gotten lost in my city.
I’ve seen a shooting star.
I’ve wished on a shooting star
I’ve seen a meteor shower.
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts.
I’ve been to a casino.
I’ve been skydiving.
I’ve gone skinny dipping.
I’ve played spin the bottle.
I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
I’ve crashed a car.
I’ve been skiing.
I’ve been in a play.
I’ve met someone in person from Myspace/Facebook.
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I’ve seen the Northern lights.
I’ve sat on a roof top at night.

I’ve played chicken.
I’ve played a prank on someone
I’ve ridden in a taxi.
I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I’ve eaten sushi.
I’ve been snowboarding.

I’m single.
I’m in a relationship.
I’m engaged.
I’m married.
I’ve gone on a blind date.
I’ve been the dumped more than the dumper.
I miss someone right now.
I have a fear of abandonment.
I’ve gotten divorced.
I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve kept something from a past relationship.
I’ve had a crush on someone of the same sex.
I’ve had a crush on a teacher.
I am a cuddler.
I’ve been kissed in the rain.
I’ve hugged a stranger.
I have kissed a stranger.

I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
I’ve sneaked out of my house.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I’ve cheated while playing a game.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve run a red light.
I’ve been suspended from school.
I’ve witnessed a crime.
I’ve been in a fist fight.
I’ve been arrested.

I’ve consumed alcohol.
I regularly drink.
I’ve passed out from drinking.
I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
I’ve smoked weed
I’ve taken painkillers when I didn’t need them.
I’ve eaten shrooms.
I’ve popped E.
I’ve inhaled Nitrous.
I’ve done hard drugs.
I have cough drops when I’m not sick.
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorder.
I shut others out when I’m depressed.
I take anti-depressants.
I have been anorexic or bulimic.
I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it.
I’ve hurt myself on purpose.
I’ve woken up crying.

I’m afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I’ve seen someone dying.
Someone close to me has committed suicide.
I’ve planned my own suicide.
I’ve attempted suicide.
I’ve written a eulogy for myself.

I own an iPod or MP3 player.
I own over 5 rap CDs.

I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
I own something from Hot Topic.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I collect comic books.
I own something from Gap.

I own something I got from e-bay.

I own something from Abercrombie.

I can sing well.
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news.
I don’t kill bugs.
I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
I curse regularly.
I sing in the shower.
I am a morning person.
I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
I’m a snob about grammar.
I am a sports fanatic.
I twirl my hair
I have “x”s in my screen name.
I love being neat.
I love Spam.
I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day
I bake well.
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue
I’ve worn pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I know how to shoot a gun
I am in love with love.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I believe in ghosts.
I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I love white chocolate
I bite my nails.
I play video games.
I’m good at remembering names.
I’m good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life